Thursday, February 23, 2012


i'm learning. i'm grateful. it's sometimes hard, but oh so worth it!

i have been eagerly anticipating each new lent reading. it's amazing the things that i thought i understood about Christ to which i truly didn't have any insight.

lent means springtime -- a joyous season.

that's my heart's desire; to live joyfully.

i'm challenged by this because so often i'm selfish in too many ways.

to understand just a teensy bit more about Christ's suffering while reading and practicing the act of forgiveness i'm finding growth -- this new springtime in my own life.  i love that!

to grow and be challenged.  may my God continue to lead me down this road.  i want to grow, i want to understand my loving Savior that much more so that i may be able to share Him with ALL that i meet.

today i'm grateful for this season -- a season of dying to self and placing others before me.

i will choose to sing...pray...expect little...find beauty all around me and drink in how BIG and LOVING and KIND and FORGIVING my God is!

be blessed today friends!