Friday, October 1, 2010

family pics was that time.  we needed new family pics and i decided that surely i could take them myself.  it's hard to take family pics for others and process in your mind how you cannot take your own.  i was on a mission -- this i could conquer. 

remote, check. tripod, check. nash, check. eric, check. clothing that goes together, check. mama, aka photographer, check.  we had it all, or so i thought. 

i went to set up and low and behold, i was missing the tripod attachment for the camera.  load back up, head home and try again.  this time we were really set.  the weather was great and my boys were on board for playing mama's photo game. 

yay!  i have new family pics that i love. 
thanks to a remote and tripod -- i love how easy it is!